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Teensy and PWM

Teensy and PWM

Teensy 3.1/3.2 boards have 12 pins support PWM 

PWM Resolution

Teensy 3.1/3.2 Boards based on 32 bit M4 arm cortex board , and the resolution of these boards higher than normal arduino boards (Like Mega and Uno) .

the Teensy PWM resolution can be up to 16 bit and you can set the PWM resolution using this function 


value: Resolution value (2 - 16 )

PWM Frequency

in default , the PWM frequency for teensy 3.1/3.2 is 488 Hz and  you can change it using this function:

analogWriteFrequency(pin, freq);

pin: PWM pin
freq : Frequency in Hz

Simple Code

simple code here to enable PWM on teensy pins 4 and 5 , and change the frequency for pin# 4

Code : download it from here
 * PWM teensy 3.1/3.2 simple code
 * more information 
 * written by : Mohannad Rawashdeh

const int PWMpin1=4;//FTM1 timer
const int PWMpin2=5;//FTM0 timer

void setup()

 // set the PWM frequency
  analogWriteResolution(8); // 0 - 255


void loop() 

output on pin# 5

output on pin# 4

Resolution Vs frequency 

Paul Stoffregen on his webiste provided us a table for a relation between the PWM resolution and frequency , as we can see higher frequency means lower resoultion you can use , also higher CPU frequency is better if you are looking for higher resolution

source :
so I decided to write a code to match these information , this code automatically calculate your CPU frequency and depend on your resolution you want , the code will choice the ideal PWM frequency for your CPU  and resolution setup  

the code will get the CPU frequency using this code :

long PWM_CPU_Frequency=F_CPU/1E6;

and you need to set the resolution you want by changing this variable

int PWM_Resolution=8; 

the output pin is pin# 4 

Code : download it from here
 * PWM teensy 3.1/3.2 PWM ideal frequency 
 * more information 
 * written by : Mohannad Rawashdeh
const int PWMpin1=4;//FTM1 timer
long PWM_CPU_Frequency=F_CPU/1E6;
int PWM_Resolution=8; //default
int FREQ_pointer=0;
long PWM_Freq;
//unsigned int PWM_Max_Value=2^PWM_Resolution - 1;
unsigned int PWM_Max_Value=pow(2,PWM_Resolution); 
// Resolution - CPU freq
long PWM_ideal_freq[5][15]
/* for CPU frequency 
 *  24MHZ  >> 1
 *  48MHZ  >> 2
 *  72MHZ  >> 3
 *  96MHZ  >> 4
 *  120MHZ >> 5
 void GetFreqValue(long FREQ)
    case 24:
    case 48:
    case 72:
    case 96:
    case 120:
void setup() {

void loop() {

void Print_PWM_Data()
  Serial.println("***** PWM frequency - resoultion automatic Calibration ****");
  Serial.print("CPU Frequency [MHZ] : ");
  Serial.print("PWM Resolution: ");
  Serial.print("PWM ideal frequency: ");
  Serial.print("PWM Max Value: ");
  Serial.println("Written By: Mohannad Rawashdeh "); 

here's the result on the oscillscope as well as on Serial monitor

then I changed my CPU frequency to 96 MHz with the same resolution and I got these results 

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