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Teensy RTC and adafruit 3.5 inch TFT Display

Teensy RTC and adafruit 3.5 inch TFT Display

in this quick tutorial , you will find a quick guide to hookup a 3.5 HX8357 TFT LCD display from adafruit and Teensy 3.1/3.2 board (and will work with 3.5/3.6 as well).

I want to display a time and date on the LCD and update the value every 1 second , the biggest challenge for me was a flickering, if you update the display by re-write the entire data every 1 second  the display will flicker the time and the date and it will not be comfort for your eyes.

so I will share with you my code and you can re-use it and re-write it to match your application 

what you need :

1-TFT LCD 3.5 Inch from adafruit , you can buy it from Here " and need to read the article about it from here since you need to solder and jumper some pads to enable SPI mode".

source :

teensy Board , I used 3.1 And 3.2 to test the code.

source :

schematic and wiring 


you can download the code from Here 

you will need to download adafruitGFX library and and HX8357 Library

 * display Time and Date on 3.5 inch adafruit TFT display   
 * I used Teensy 3.1 / 3.2 board to test this code , you
 * can make it working for any other board easily
 * you can find the component for this example :
 * ***** TFT 3.5 Inch display
 * ** teensy 3.2 board
 * written By: Mohannad Rawashdeh

#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <Time.h> 
#include <SPI.h>
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include "Adafruit_HX8357.h"

// These are 'flexible' lines that can be changed
#define TFT_CS 10
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_RST 8 // RST can be set to -1 if you tie it to Arduino's reset
#define FontSize 7
#define DateFontSize 5
#define HOUR 3
#define MINUTE 2
#define SECOND 1
#define DAY 4
#define MONTH 5
#define YEAR 6

unsigned int Hour_X_POS=80;
unsigned int Hour_Y_POS=80;
unsigned int DOT1_X_POS=Hour_X_POS+(FontSize*11)+6;
unsigned int DOT1_Y_POS=Hour_Y_POS;
unsigned int Min_X_POS =DOT1_X_POS+(FontSize*7);
unsigned int Min_Y_POS=Hour_Y_POS;
unsigned int DOT2_X_POS=Min_X_POS+(FontSize*11)+8;
unsigned int DOT2_Y_POS=Hour_Y_POS;
unsigned int Sec_X_POS=DOT2_X_POS+(FontSize*7);
unsigned int Sec_Y_POS=Hour_Y_POS;

unsigned int Day_X_POS=65;
unsigned int Day_Y_POS=200;
unsigned int SLASH1_X_POS=Day_X_POS+(DateFontSize*15);
unsigned int SLASH1_Y_POS=Day_Y_POS;
unsigned int Mon_X_POS=SLASH1_X_POS+(DateFontSize*11);
unsigned int Mon_Y_POS=Day_Y_POS;
unsigned int SLASH2_X_POS=Mon_X_POS+(DateFontSize*16);
unsigned int SLASH2_Y_POS=Day_Y_POS;
unsigned int Year_X_POS=SLASH2_X_POS+(DateFontSize*11);
unsigned int Year_Y_POS=Day_Y_POS;

// Use hardware SPI (on Uno, #13, #12, #11) and the above for CS/DC
Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
bool Blinky=false;
 int UpdateHour=-1; int UpdateMin=-1; int UpdateSec=-1;
 int UpdateDay=-1; int UpdateMonth=-1; int UpdateYear=-1;
 int Teensy_Hour,Teensy_minute,Teensy_Second,Teensy_Day,Teensy_Month,Teensy_Year;
void setup()  {
    if (timeStatus()!= timeSet) {
    Serial.println("Unable to sync with the RTC");
  } else {
    Serial.println("RTC has set the system time");
   tft.setCursor(50, 20);
   tft.println("Time Now (+3GMT)");

void loop() 
  if(UpdateHour != Teensy_Hour)
  if(UpdateMin != Teensy_minute)
    if(UpdateSec != Teensy_Second)
   if(UpdateDay != Teensy_Day)
    if(UpdateMonth != Teensy_Month)
      UpdateMonth = Teensy_Month;
    if(UpdateYear != Teensy_Year)
      UpdateYear = Teensy_Year;

void UpdateDot()
         tft.setCursor(DOT1_X_POS, DOT1_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(DOT2_X_POS, DOT2_Y_POS);
void UpdateDisplay(unsigned int Element)
         tft.setCursor(Sec_X_POS, Sec_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Sec_X_POS, Sec_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Min_X_POS, Min_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Min_X_POS, Min_Y_POS);
         if(Teensy_minute<10){tft.print("0"); tft.print(Teensy_minute);}
         UpdateDot(); // optional , you can remove it
         tft.setCursor(Hour_X_POS, Hour_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Hour_X_POS, Hour_Y_POS);
         if(Teensy_Hour<10){tft.print("0"); tft.print(Teensy_Hour);}

         tft.setCursor(Day_X_POS, Day_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Day_X_POS, Day_Y_POS);
         if(Teensy_Day<10){tft.print("0"); tft.print(Teensy_Day);}
         tft.setCursor(Mon_X_POS, Mon_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Mon_X_POS, Mon_Y_POS);
         if(Teensy_Month<10){tft.print("0"); tft.print(Teensy_Month);}

         tft.setCursor(Year_X_POS, Year_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(Year_X_POS, Year_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(SLASH1_X_POS, SLASH1_Y_POS);
         tft.setCursor(SLASH2_X_POS, SLASH2_Y_POS);

time_t getTeensy3Time()
  return Teensy3Clock.get();

 void upd_time()

and this video Will show you the results

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