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SAMD10 Xplained mini & LCD1602/2004

 SAMD10 Xplained mini & LCD1602/2004

maybe you are familiar with LCD 1602 / 2004 /2004 ..etc based on hd44780 Controller , this ubiquitous LCD can be programmed easily thanks to many libraries on the web support  it like Arduino official Library ... etc.
unfortunately when it becomes to ASF4 and all the SAM xplained board series , few results will e found , so I decided to share with you my experience with this display and SAMD10 Xplained mini board.

All you need is:
  1. SAMD10 Xplained mini
  2. Breadboard
  3. jumpers
  4. Potentiometer 10K
  5. and of course LCD1602/2004/2002

connect the LCD like in the schematic here

SAMD10 circuit

and Download the code from github (Here).

If you would like to learn more about how to program with Atmel Studio , please join my Udemy course for learning Embedded system C with SAMD10 Xplained mini from Here

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