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BMP85/BMP180 Sensor with SAMD21 Xplained pro

Pressure sensor BMP180 with Microchip ASF4 using SAMD21 xplained pro

this is a quick article to demonstrate how to use BMP85 / BMP180 pressure/tempreature sensor with any SAM devices from Microchip based on ASF4.

I Used BMP180 official library and I added only the I2C code to the library. 

this sensor using I2C bus, for SAMD21 Xplained pro you can USE SERCOM 0 to communicate with this sensor.


SAMD21 X pro -> BMP180
3.3V -> VCC
PA08 -> SDA
PA09 -> SCL

after you upload the code open your serial monitor with baud rate 115200 

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